****The purpose of this process is to publish an article (which has already been written) to the Retailist website.

Step 1. Open this link to access the Retailist article publishing calendar to see if Olivia & Amanda need anything published: https://app.asana.com/0/1189542128540704/calendar.

Olivia & Amanda will add any upcoming articles to Asana if we have any articles coming up in the pipeline that we need you to publish.

Otherwise, you’ll be publishing articles directly to WordPress (skipping step 1), getting the information (article, exec bio, and exec headshot) directly from the person you’re corresponding with via the Retailist email inbox.

Click the card on the next most recent date and download all attachments. It should include the article, headshot, author bio, and in some instances it will also include pictures to publish with the article.

Step 2. Log into retailistmag.com/wp-login.php using these credentials:

Username: blogpublisher Password: !JTJ#73CHI8v83WzjV

Step 3. Click the "Posts" button in the sidebar.

Step 4. Hover over the name of the most recent article (the one at the top) and click "EA Duplicator".

Step 5. On the next screen, hover over the newly created duplicate article and click "Edit with Elementor".